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Intel Image Processing Library Features/Benefits

The Intel Image Processing Library provides a set of low-level image manipulation functions in the form of standard DLLs and static libraries. The functions are optimized for Intel Architecture processors and are particularly effective at taking advantage of MMX™ technology. Currently, versions of the library have been developed for the Intel486™ processor, the Pentium® processor, the Pentium Pro processor, the Pentium processor with MMX Technology, and the Pentium II processor. A separate DLL is available for each of these processors.

The library functions perform filtering, thresholding, arithmetic, logical, and morphological operations. In addition, a number of functions perform linear geometric and linear image transforms. The linear image transforms include the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and the discrete cosine transform (DCT).

The library uses a flexible image format, supporting channels of 1-, 8-, 16-, and 32-bit pixels with an arbitrary number of channels per image. Conversion to and from the Windows* DIB (device-independent bitmap) image format is supported, as are conversions between color and gray scale.

Here's a summary of the library's major features and benefits:

Feature Benefit
Provides common low-level image processing routines. Helps reduce time to market.
Provides functions optimized for a specific Intel processor. Allows you to obtain optimal product peformance with a specific processor.
Detects a specific processor and loads processor-specific DLL. Allows you to use a single scalable executable file for a number of processors.
Provides flexible image format. You can integrate the library with the existing designs.
Supports image tiling. Allows you to handle large images and monitor application memory.
Provides Adobe* Photoshop* plug-in module. Allows you to use IPL functions for generating better images with Adobe Photoshop.


Arithmetic and Logical Operations Add, Subtract, Multiply, Shift, Square; And, Or, Xor; Alpha Composite
Filtering Operations Blur; 2D Convolution; Median, Max, and Min Filters
Transforms DCT, FFT
Morphological Operations Erode, Dilate, Open, Close
Color Space Conversion RGB/DIB; Bitonal/Gray, Gray/Color; RGB/HSV, RGB/HLS; Reduce Resolution
Point Operations Threshold; Contrast Stretch, Compute and Equalize Histogram; Color Twist
Image Geometric Operations Zoom, Decimate; Rotate, Mirror

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